Giving the stage to passionate people.

Side by Side on Stage is a local "Ted Talk" style event designed to give passionate people the stage to share their passions with passionate people. Topics always vary but have 3 distinct Rules: 20min, share story, pitch something. It is an evening of entertainment and community so bring a guest. All profits go toward the local charity Esther Homes.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 19


$22/ticket; Includes pizza, beer, wine & dessert


Joe Walz: F.I.R.E

One man's path to financial independence and early retirement.

Rebekah Chamberlain: Alchemizing Pain Into Purpose

Finding meaning through life's challenging situations

TJ Walstead: Ditching Corporate

A cautionary tale of the highs and lows of leaving the 9-5.

Thursday, November 14




Heather Boschke: Discover what Makes you Soar

A children's book author's perspective on life and success. 

Dr. Anya Krull: The Mental Health behind Learning

Why do some people learn well while others struggle?

Luke Hemken: Seek Skills Over Finding a Career

Reframe your career path into building skills and applying to your passion

AJ Hofstetter: Take Time to be Brief

How to communicate with purpose to achieve success in business and relationships 

*Registration coming soon!